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Race & Rally: Top notch!

Published on 18 January 2003 by Huub Rothengatter

Today was the second day of the Race & Rally International Motorsportshow in MECC, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Jos Verstappen, Raymond Vermeulen and Huub Rothengatter were present, Jos was very busy signing autographs. The stand of the Jos Verstappen Fan Club was extremely busy. There is no Minardi merchandaise available yet but you can buy a black t-shirt which says on the back "I trust Jos the Boss" and the front has a photo of Jos's helmet and his signature. This item is very popular.

Huub Rothengatter was enjoying himself: "It is absolute fantastic. I have never seen so many Formula 1 cars together. The complete Formula 1 field is present. That is not the only thing, you don't know where to look; sportscars, rally autos, motorcycles. Perfect interviews on stage and in the arena it all action; stunts with motorcycles and rally cars, too much to mention. "

Tomorrow is the last day. Jos will be present again from about 11am on top of that Paul Stoddart, Minardi's team boss, is expected to make an appearance.